Only Thing That Humanity Needs

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(the whole post stands on one single fact that how we humans stop growing as far as intelligence is concerned at such an early age. So if you have seen this already then stop reading the post and move on because time is precious; but if you haven’t seen or would like to revisit continue…)

Some great spiritual personages say that there is no problem in the world and the wrongness is only in the eye of beholder. If that is so then in the end it doesn’t matter what really we do, whether we just go to sleep or may be build a blog that destroys the underlying beliefs of human mind, because there is nothing wrong in the world and in that case I choose the latter.

Whether reading a newspaper or surfing my locality I find that people are doing many things that they needn’t do in the first place. When asked they have no direct reasons for why anyone should do them but there are underlying reasons because nothing happens by luck. To me doing anything just anything other than searching for truth by destroying ones beliefs and giving bit of time just for survival is idiotic. And yeah, on another hand no act is wrong in itself other than the thought mechanism that compels them to.

A lot of people are thinking a lot, doing a lot for other people and they have been doing since history and most likely they will be doing in the future. What is there to do? What is the thing humanity needs? Factually, I hardly give a damn what the third person is doing but at times by looking at people suffering unnecessarily, it breaks me. I may die tomorrow or maybe I won’t care for humans anymore but for the people on the planet who want to do a serious change, a real change for them it’s a major challenge; which is what is that people really need.

Love, compassion, kindness, wisdom, teachings, great books, teachers, gurus we have experimented with everything yet the basic foundation of human remains flawed. If a super intelligent alien visits this planet and by looking at the people and what they are doing he may keep on laughing for a week or two. Yeah seriously just flip through few pages of newspaper and you may see its same stupid problem everywhere. People are doing sheer nonsense in the name of religion, family, nation, state, society and so on. Today everything is there in the market and one just has to hook onto something and go on living in that ditch forever.

The fundamental problem is people at the deepest level don’t want a major change in their life. Most people literally stop growing at the age of around fourteen and only thing that’s left to do in their life is building up their personality by having a demanding family, a tiresome job and an ever-increasing bank balance. Growth is out of the vision in this current society and that’s really damn fundamental.

As far as Humanity can be viewed the things are likely to go same way. History repeats itself so perfectly that it has achieved to blind us to the fact that we are just another bunch of pawns doing the same age-old drama again and again.

And yet again there is nothing wrong in being optimistic either not as a hope for future but as a real possibility in the present. The only thing anybody in the entire world now, have existed in the past or yet to come in the future, the only thing anybody needed is to be Open to Opening.

Yeah, that’s a real life miracle. If people can be open to anything that comes to his life, open to change, is ready to accept that he can be wrong if he is wrong and that whatever position he is in now currently can be idiotic and needless and so he need to be open to more opening .Only then miracle start happening, that’s because ones open reality magically puts him in the right track. He doesn’t need anyone else to do that. This is the best teaching anyone can give. The parents should teach this to their siblings even before they teach them alphabets and other grammar. They should teach that whatever they (themselves, teachers, elders, etc) are teaching may be right or may be wrong and one must choose it for yourself and remain open as you go along since you can be wrong too. But the parents and teachers are too egoistic to accept that simple fact. Any article, any blog, any website, any book, any teaching just anything devoted to this simple fact is the only thing that’s of any use. What’s more to say than this, anything else will be misleading and we know why. Thus, if that is taken care of sooner or later a person stumbles upon the existential problems and realizes that there is ultimately nothing just nothing in the world that can suffice but truth.

Then everything else follows. Everything.